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>From Fri Jun  4 18:47:11 1999
>> Here's another possibility:  if you created a getglobal and setglobal
>> tag that worked on everything, you could implement something yourself.
>> (Personally, I would just disable global assignment once all the functions
>> are defined.)  
>> I'm not sure what the speed penalty would be for that.  Obviously, since I
>> don't assign to globals very often, a setglobal tag wouldn't slow things
>> down much.  getglobal might be too slow, though, since it would be used on
>> all function calls.  I could live with just a setglobal tag, though. 
>I could live with just the setallglobal tag too.  It would be a great 
>addition to lua.  getallglobal would be good if it didn't slow things 

Unless I'm missing something, there's no need for a setallglobal.
The setglobal for nil suffices because when a global is created, its value
is nil. Then, inside the tag method you create a table wrapper for the global
and give this table a tag. This same tag method is used for the setglobal
for this tag.
I can come up with some code if it's still obscure.