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I've done some evolutionary programming in Scheme (a Lisp dialect), but
don't think it's that easy in Lua, because you don't have a simple
program representation other than text. In Scheme, you can implement the
basic operations, mutation and cross-over, by means of simple list
operations, whereas cross-over on a text-based representation of
programs involves syntactical analysis. A syntax-tree representation of
in Lua would be the solution, but this is essentially the same as with
most other programming languages, except that the interpretation of a
generated piece of code with Lua's dostring is particulary simple.


Adolf Mathias              EMail: dolfi at zkm dot de  Web:
|||| / |< ||| ZKM Institute for Visual Media - Institut für Bildmedien
P.B. 6919 D-76049 Karlsruhe, Germany; fon +49 721-8100-1544, fax -1509