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I'm not sure if this qualifies as a bug, but lua_pushcclosure doesn't verify
that the upvalues actually exist on the stack.  If they don't then invalid
values will be put on the stack for the function call, causing a crash if
they are accessed.  Following is an example.


  int callhandler( lua_State* L )
    printf( "%s\n", lua_type(L, -1) );
    return 0;

  int main()
    lua_State* L = lua_open( 0 );
    lua_baselibopen( L );
    lua_pushcclosure( L, callhandler, 1 );  // oops
    lua_setglobal( L, "crasher" );
    lua_dostring( L, "print('hi'); crasher(); print('bye');" );