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In article <>, Luiz Henrique de 
Figueiredo wrote:
> Some time ago, I posted to the list a Lua script for adding __stdcall
> to the code. I think this is needed for using a Windows DLL in Visual Basic.
> This script is now included in the distribution.
> I think the best solution for your request is a similar script, which is
> easy to write. Please tell us what you need exactly and I'll add a script for
> it. I assume that LUA_API_FUNCTION would be a macro defined as empty in Unix
> and as what in Windows?
> --lhf

Others have got there before me on the details - thanks Brett and Paul. I 
prefer it in the "real" code rather than as a script because then it is likely 
to be maintained as part of the code base, rather than always being an "after 
the event" add on. As a side effect, it serves as documentation within the 
headers and code as to which functions are API, and which are internal.

Thanks, Mike