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In the rather terse documentation for the mathematical functions, there's
no mention of "mod", which is odd. There's no standard ANSI C function
"mod", and the function seems to do an integer remainder operation, not
the operation "fmod" (which is a standard ANSI C function).

Hence it seems to me that either I've misunderstood something, or missed
something, or there should be a little extra documentation.

While I'm on the subject, why aren't exp, fmod, modf, sinh, cosh and tanh
implemented? All the rest of the functions in math.h seem to be there,
(some aren't obvious, e.g. pow is ^). I could understand not implementing
exp if E were provided as a constant, but it isn't. The rest I don't
understand, because they're completely standard. I suppose that modf and
fmod can be constructed fairly easily, but they're likely to be not only
quicker but rather higher precision straight from the C library (plus it's
trivial to expose them).

-- | wit, n.  educated insolence (Aristotle)