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Hello All,

LuaSocket 1.1 is now available for download at

There have been some great improvements and I hope you find it usefull. Please send any comments to

What is LuaSocket? 

LuaSocket is a Lua extension library that provides support for TCP/IP socket layer within the Lua
language. The library also provides support for SMTP (sending e-mails), HTTP (www) and FTP
(uploading and downloading files).

It can be used by any Lua application desiring access to TCP/IP communication, once it has been
properly linked with and initialized by the interpreter running the application. The code has been
tested and runs well both on Windows and on Unix Platforms.

The library is available under the same terms as the Lua language, that is, it can be used at no
cost for both academic and commercial purposes. 

What's New

  * Added support for the SMTP, HTTP and FTP protocols,
    implemented in the Lua language and distributed in source
  * Added new receive pattern '*a' to read until the connection
    is closed. 
  * The function bind now returns the IP address and port it
    bound to as extra values. 

Have a great New Year,