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Jean-Claude Wippler wrote:
> After yesterday's "Son of Lua" post on lua-l, I am very concerned about
> the direction and future of Lua.

Don't bother about that.  My post are ignored most of the time.
And the Lua developers are very resistant to new ideas.  ;-)

> Having been
> involved in open source for some time now (much of my own work is public
> domain nowadays), I would like to contribute to Lua if possible, to help
> it evolve in issues which matter to me.

Lua is open source but closed development in its best.  The good point
is, they do a pretty good job at it.

> As a smaller language, it seems that
> the risk of people taking it in different directions is more acute than
> with larger bodies of code.  This would be very unfortunate, since it
> would prevent consolidation and growth of a common core and user base.

Sol is meant as an experimental platform.  I mainly made it to show
how some ideas could be implemented and the effects of them.  And I
hope that some of the ideas will flow back to Lua.  (If not, I at least
have a neat little language to play with *g*)

> Before starting some serious work based on Lua, if have a few questions:
>  - is there a page describing the short/mid-term plans with Lua?

Hmm... make it faster and stay compatible. ;)

>  - do you accept patches with feature changes (if deemed useful)?

Of course you can sent patches (I would like to see more of them).
But don't expect any response.  Wait a year and you'll see if it
has made into a new version.

>  - is lua-l a suitable place to start feature/language discussions?

Discussions are very difficult if you get no response...  I guess that
most subscribers are programmers but there have been not very much
discussions about new ideas and their implementation.  Pretty strange.

Ciao, ET.