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>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: Staffan Hellstr_m 
>   To: Multiple recipients of list 
>   Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2001 4:56 PM
>   Subject: More operators?
>   Hello,
>   I have a question: How can I implement "arithmetic-assignment
>   operators"(not sure on the exact term) like += and /= ?
>   For clarification, a+=b is the same as a=a+b. However I've some users which
>   want to be able to do += directly.

I kind of miss % for modulus.  Ie.  11 % 5 = 1.  Does this conflict with the
upuvar symbol in the lexer?

-- cary

> This is not a bad idea. Python has just added (i think they are called) augmented operators eg. +=, -=, in v2.0 after prolonged argument. 
> I believe x += 1 would be faster for Lua than x = x+1, this is one of the reasons for adding it in Python besides convenience. ie. none mutable value becomes mutable in this case.
>   I've looked at the source, and the biggest obstacle I can see(I think) is
>   how to determine whether to use setglobal, setlocal, or settable for the
>   assignment.