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> I've added a map for Lua's web site. I hope this helps the navigation.
> There's a link to it on the main page, but you can go directly to
> Please send me your suggestions on how to improve the map and the site.
> Thanks.
> --lhf

Good, sometime I had to poke around to find my way to parts that I knew they
where there...

The "Tools and libraries" page would benefit of more detailled descriptions.
Perhaps a table giving the name/link, the targeted Lua version (some
packages still use the 3.2 version, or even older!), the targeted platform (some
tools are Windows only, others are Linux only, some are portable, etc.), and of
course the description.

You are kind enough to mention my modest Windows distribution of Lua 4.0
binary files and VC6 projects in the README of the MS-Windows binary
distribution. Perhaps you could also put it in the Distribution list, since you mention
Lunacy (which is a broken link, alas). Not that it is essential, since you
released your own binary files (but the project files are still useful, even as
they are easy to re-create). But the more links you show, the more popular
Lua will look like! :-)


Philippe Lhoste (Paris -- France)
Professional programmer and amateur artist

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