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On 2001.09.27 08:34 jon fernquest wrote:
> I've been experimenting with Plua (Lua for the Palm OS)
> and it's great!
> I have two questions:
> 1. Is the source available so that we can write C extensions?
> 2. Has anyone figured out how to read and write to Memo's of
> a given category or a DOC file ?
> Plua seems to be the only real scripting language
> that adheres to a cross-platform language standard
> available for the Palm (and MS Pocket PC on the iPAQ soon also,
> it seems).
> I'm sure some people have been experimenting with it.
> Would the Lua Wiki be the right place to share Plua code
> for the Palm OS  (GUI and DB access) ?
> Thanks in advance for any suggestions,

	It seems that PLUA is shareware (as in not free). I wrote
an email to the author and he said that PLUA do have an expiration
date and that there is no source code available. 

	In my (very little) free time I am starting a new port of
lua to the palm plataform, that I intend to release with the same
license of the original LUA (I would rather do it GPL, but I am not
shure if I can do it or not, so I take the safe path). I already
managed to compile lua with the palm gcc, but no tests were done 
with this compiled code. I am only begging the development with palm
so I don't have a lot of experience. If you or any other show any 
interest in helping me I would gladly setup a page or something so 
that we could put our hands in the code. :-)