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thank you, I believe this is the correct answer.  somebody was/is
urlencoding non ascci data in their cgi request and i was treating it as a
string. many thanks to all that responded.


On Tue, 8 Jan 2002, Diego Nehab wrote:

> > > >This seems very strange to me but i have seen it repeatedly now.  I have
> > > >embedded lua into a cgi to act as a simple templating engine and the cgi
> > > >is execute approx 500k times a day but once a day - it cores. Looking at
> Does your CGI  program perform any operations that  could be overwriting
> someone else's  heap memory? When  a program writes  a few bytes  out of
> bounds, the  memory manager usually  does not  detect it until  the next
> malloc or free.
> It could be that it is not Lua's fault...
> Regards,
> Diego.