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On Tue, Jan 29, 2002 at 09:10:16AM -0500, CRIBBSJ wrote:
> I sure don't want to sound ungrateful to you Daniel, or to Nick Trout 
> for your posts and the work you are doing, but I, for one, would really 
> like to see this whole dynamic library thing available for the Windoze 
> platform.  Because of end-user demands, I find myself doing a lot of 
> development on Windows.  So implementing this functionality on Linux, 
> while a great help, would still be just half the battle.

There are several people working on win32 native things. Plus eventually you
could use Debian/w32 when we get around to getting it done :)

I'm sure there's at least one windows one with the loadlib stuff done, so
compiling up the loadlibbed versions I do for Debian native for win32
wouldn't be too hard.


Daniel Silverstone                     
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