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I've made a new release of my Lua libraries, and this time it's a biggie:

 * The library is now a hierarchical collection, with libraries in such
categories as io and text

 * The library uses "require" to load it (an implementation is provided
for use with Lua 4.0, along with instructions on building it into the Lua

 * You can load the whole library, a whole category (subdirectory), or
individual libraries one by one. Each library loads any dependencies

 * There's a lot of new code. In particular, combinators such as map and
filter have been generalised to work with arbitrary iterators. The idea of
an iterator has itself been generalised slightly from the interface used
by foreach and foreachi, but full backwards compatibility is retained.
There's a new Set type, and my getopt library is now available in full-on
POSIX flavour and new getopt-lite (a sort of "getopt in the spirit of

 * All the functions are documented in LuaDoc-like format. Soon it will be
LuaDoc, I promise!

I would like to see these libraries become the basis for a
community-maintained set of standard Lua libraries. If anyone is
interested in setting up a project to do this, please contact me. I would
envisage a simple SourceForge project with access to the code,
auto-generated documentation, and a Wiki for discussion of development.
Perhaps this could be part of

penitent, a.  undergoing or awaiting punishment (Bierce)