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On Wednesday, January 30, 2002, at 04:11  AM, Reuben Thomas wrote:
Don't some platforms require the executable to know the absolute path to
the shared lib while not providing the app with info about the path the

Nah, you can set LD_PRELOAD_PATH on Linux.

And how do you know what to set that to if the executable doesn't get info on which path it's in? Do you have to now have fixed install locations within the user's directory?

Making shared libs the standard for lua-addons would make lua both
platform dependent and sysadmin dependent.

This however is a problem. A better way of easily adding libs to a
standard build (preferably without having to edit any source) would be a
big win. Even something as low-tech as a file containing calls to init
functions that was then #included into lua.c.

I agree.
