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>Could the authors (or other knowledgable sources) tell, what exactly would
>be in 5.0 regarding dynamic extensions.

As far as I understand it, only a system-depende module for loading ddls
or shared objects is needed. My bare-bones loadlib does this for Unix and

The protocol is simply that you know the name of a function in the ddl/so
that you have to call to do whatever is needed by your library, typically
register modules and functions in Lua.

>I've drafted one such extension module (dll/so that knows how to link itself
>with Lua) but noticed that the lua_... functions need (of course!) to be
>provided to the module by function pointers or otherwise (since they live on
>the engine side of the dll/so barrier).

As far as I know, simply having lualib as a dll/so and creating your module
with it is sufficient. There's a Unix example that does this in my
bare-bones loadlib tarball. I don't know how this would work in Windows,
but I recall that someone in the list tested my Windows module and it worked.