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Jay Carlson wrote:
> What I'd *really* like is an Fltk UI builder written in Lua itself.
> Some of the effort I went through in the Lua-Fltk documentation was
> toward that end---all the properties and methods (and their docs) of
> the Lua-Fltk classes are easily available in Lua format.
> The biggest missing Lua-Fltk feature is free drawing.  There should be
> a way for Lua apps to draw arbitrary stuff and respond to mouse events
> freely.  I expect the right thing is a little like a Tk canvas: a
> Canvas widget type that has a an ordered list of graphic objects to
> draw during repaint, along with some event delivery logic.  I started
> on this and got bogged down in C++ details---I am not a very strong
> C++ programmer.
> The biggest missing Fltk feature is a decent text widget.  The text
> widgets available are not as good as the Tk text widget.  (This is a
> problem with every widget set of course---the Tk text widget is one of
> the best ever designed.)  It might be possible to steal the code from
> Tk without too many changes.  That's what I concluded last year, at
> least.
> The biggest missing element in the Fltk design is advertising
> preferred widget sizes.  Without this, it's not possible to build a
> packing layout manager.  Should be fixed in Fltk 2.0, but there's no
> release year, let alone release date...
> Jay

Some quick remarks:

*) FLTK-Lua in lua sounds very cool. Much like Visual TCL/TK. 
I might be willing to assist you there.

*) I'm willing to help you a bit with the C++ if you like.
Mail me at my e-mail address (at the bottom of this mail)
if you're interested. 

*) The FLTK webpage seems to advise the use of the SCITE editor 
widget, which is not FLTK, but can AFAIK be integrated with it.

*) FL_Pack is a packing layout container widget in fltk 1.1.x. 
It doesn't solve all problems, but it helps a lot. 

"No one knows true heroes, for they speak not of their greatness." -- 
Daniel Remar.
Björn De Meyer