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>The string .. operation is not slow in Lua. It's actually very fast, even
>for multiple concatenations. The virtual machine operation is actually for
>multiple concatenation. Here is the code for
>	return "a" .."b" .."c" .."d"
>        1       [2]     LOADK           0 0     ; "a"
>        2       [2]     LOADK           1 1     ; "b"
>        3       [2]     LOADK           2 2     ; "c"
>        4       [2]     LOADK           3 3     ; "d"
>        5       [2]     CONCAT          0 0 3
>So, this is a linear (not quadratic) operation.
>Bottom line: there's no reason not to use multiple concatenations for long
>strings. (Except that there is a limit on the number of concatenations.)

Very interesting. It seems I tried to solve a non-problem :-)
What is the limit?

Thanks to all for the information, suggestions... and patience.
