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On Mon, Oct 21, 2002 at 12:10:21AM +0100, Frederico Santos wrote:
> I would be very interested in any bugfixes/workarounds you migth have
> I was going to use Lua 4 anyway (convicing people to use an unknown language
> is hard enough without telling them it's an alpha version)

I've made the current state of my work available at 

The workarounds seem to work for me, but I cannot be certain that they
fix all the problems. The GC workaround, in particular, may eat up
memory unless you add code to clean out the dead weak references from
the object_proxies and class_proxies hash tables periodically. We
really need to look further into this whether it is a Lua 4 or LuaJava
problem that the Tolua.default_gc tag method never seems to be called
for weak references.

Parameter validation at the Lua - Java interface seems to be little
iffy, too, so be careful.

- Christian