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Peter Hill wrote:

No, I haven't tried to use Lua5.0 since it currently doesn't come with a
windows executable. I have, however, been looking through the documentation
trying to understand the changes and their ramifications.

If you have a C compiler working on windows, then compiling Lua5 should
take you about 5 minutes. Actually I didn't have standalone Lua5 when I
started answering your question about function expression (I had only
used Lua5 embedded in my application), with VC++ It must have taken
around 2 minutes to create it. (add an empty project to my workspace,
drop every .c file in src src/luac and src/lib directories into it, set
include path to lua/include, compile)

If you don't have a C compiler, you can send me a private email,
and I can send you my lua.exe on email. (Offer valid for Peter,
and next 5 people who ask for it)

On a second thought, you can also fetch it from:
VC++ compile on Win98, about default compiler options)
