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> I mainly want to know if it is really suitable for any practical purpose.

Once filled this will be a valuable resource, as it adds information
not present in the manual (examples & subtleties, at least).
Cross-references among related topics would be useful too.

> Perhaps everyone (especially the Big 3: RI, WC and LHF) could have a look
> at this and see if the basic concept is OK.

What is there is OK, but I think the basic concept is not there, but at
the end of your message:

> ...but this is where the "collaborative' bit comes in. If the basic idea
> appears to be sound, then we can start arguing about what should be
> changed and whether the background should be blue or green and whether the
> word Lua should be written in a special font, etc :-)

I mean, what is missing as "the basic concept" is how to organize the
collaborative work. Wiki? CVS? You will do it?

-- Roberto