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Nick Trout wrote:
The following might work better. You can't quite just put
"testObj.Hello" because Lua will think its an assignment. I put a dummy
Hello function in your luaNET object. As Riki pointed out, __index needs
to return the function object. It's the "" in myIndex
which involkes the function object. You try to involke the function
object twice, and on the second call it's a nil.

Yeah, thanks to Riki I already hit myself :)
I understand now. While your way works, it requires the called function to be a part of luaNET, which I don't want. The proxy should work with any class. The script should not have specific knowledge of this. Right now, I'm thinking along the line of setting up the function to be called on the C# side in myIndex and returning an executing call function:

function myIndex(t, func), func)

The prepares the function to be called on the C# side (using reflection it finds the Method to call, etc...). The handles the marshalling of parameters and return values.

Another name might be CSharpProxy as luaNET is general and implies its
embedded in .NET??

The method I use is not limited to C# (any .NET language should work) ... but NETProxy seems to be a way to go :)

Thanks for everybodies help,



luaNET = {
    Hello = function(handle) return "Hello! "..handle end,

    call = function(handle,fn) return luaNET[fn](handle) end

function myIndex(t, func)
   return, func)

LuaNETObject = {}
LuaNETObject_mt = { __index = myIndex }

function LuaNETObject:new(handle)
   return setmetatable( {handle = handle}, LuaNETObject_mt)

-- 1 is a valid handle
testObj = LuaNETObject:new(1)

-- should reroute the call
print( testObj.Hello )