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Thomas Wrensch wrote:
>    string.gsub(line, "([^%,]*)$",tadd)
>    table.remove(t) -- get rid of extra field at end

Hmm.  I didn't expect this to report an additional empty string as well...
The $ should consume the end-of-string I'd say, but it doesn't.  That's
probably because the iteration in gsub (and gfind) is just offset based and
end-of-string is only a virtual character?  But now 1) your solution is
still incorrect (try it on "aap,noot," and it drops the final empty part)
and 2) my suggested "(.-)[,$]" pattern wouldn't work either...

So, is this current $ matching in gsub/gfind a bug(let) or a feature?


PS:  Lua 5.0 offers string.gfind that is maybe better suited than
string.gsub in your example.