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I recently tried compiling lua with:
NUMBER= -DLUA_USER_H='"../etc/luser_number.h"' -DUSE_FLOAT

Now, after rebuilding my app with this lua, a lot (but not all)
of my 3d objects' colours, vertex positions etc. are very wrong
(these are being set/generated from lua scripts).

I can't see anything in my lua->C interface functions that is
doing anything that would be upset by luaL_checknumber() or
lua_tonumber() returning a float instead of a double.  Also,
the numeric processing at the lua side is very light, so I
don't see how increased error from shorter floats would be
causing the problems.

Are there any hidden gotchas with using -DUSE_FLOAT ?  Am I supposed
to define or include anything new at my C application side?

Adam D. Moss   . ,,^^   co:3
Bereaved relatives are not amused
As on their dear departed I feverishly consume