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Lua doesn't do string interpolation. Here's what you do, assuming you are using Lua 4

function subst(str, table)
 local v = gsub(str, '$([_%a][_%w]*)',
                function(w) return %table[w] or '' end)
 return v

args = {
 Argument1 = [[c:\folder1]],
 Argument2 = [[c:\folder2]],

cmd = [[ batch $Argument1 $Argument2 ]]

print(subst(cmd, args))
execute(subst(cmd, args))

$ lua test.lua
batch c:\folder1 c:\folder2

Also have a look at

- Peter Shook wrote:
That would work if i the folder names were always going to be c:\folder1 and c:\folder2!

The folder names will be decided at run time by the lua script so they will have to be held in two variables.
E.g. Argument1 & Argumnet2

So for example Argument1 = c:\folder1
               Argument2 = c:\folder2

So calling execute[[ batch Argument1 Argumnet2 ]]
would pass the actual string='Argument1' to the batch file rather that the path held by the varialbe Argument1

So you execute(batch Argument1 Argument2)

Thanks for your time

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