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I have compiled lua for the palm platform. I had the warning about the log stuff too, but apart from palm-specific changes, I got it quite straightforward. I am only left with an infinite loop in the table code at key insertion, but I suspect it is related to an interaction with a little bug in my compiler and the changes I had to perform to get the libs to link (that is, splitting the code in multiple sections, since the compiler generates only short relative jumps, therefore limiting code segment sizes to 32K). I haven't ascertained that yet though.
-----Message d'origine-----
De : Andrew Teirney []
Envoyé : lundi 19 mai 2003 00:44
À :
Objet : Lua on 16-bit systems

Hi there,
    I have just got around to compiling lua under a 16-bit compiler for a micro controller, i noticed there were a few warnings, mostly related to the size of int being 16-bit, this meant that in one of the log alogorithms a condition was always true. So what i am wanting to know is whether or not there are any implications for compiling lua on 16-bit system where the default size of an int is 16-bit. I have noticed that there is a define which determines the number of bits in an integer and so for, this appears to be used for the virtual machine stuff. But this is just a preliminary look though. If anyone has implemented lua in a 16-bit system and has had it successfully working it would be good to know if there are any pitfalls or modifications that i have to make. I have thought about putting in a "#define int long" but i am not sure on what speed penalties i will suffer.
    Andrew Stanley Teirney