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Just saw the attached on the perl6-internals list; thought it might
be of interest to some folks here.

--- Begin Message ---

Last Friday was the day for turning in my project, which is a Lua compiler targeting Parrot.
Although the compiler is not finished (too short of time), the project is over. However, I do want to do something with it.
Still thinking of the possibilities (The current compiler is for Lua 4.1, but Lua 5 will be out soon, quite some
differences in the languages, so may do something with lua5). 

Well, just to let you know this.
For anyone who is interested: the report is available at:

Of course, I will be following Parrot, maybe more actively in the future, because it's a really cool project and vm to target. 
Thanks for all help I got through this mailing list.


--- End Message ---

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