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Mark Stroetzel Glasberg wrote:

Martin, in the manual you can find examples in Lua of all IUP controls. Just go to the Controls section, pick whatever control you would like to see working and look at the bottom of its page. You find complete examples both in C and Lua.

Ok, as I said, I didn't look hard enough, big sorry from me...
Those example are definetly nice and answer a lot of questions!

But I'd still like to see one or a few 'complete' examples, say a 'real' application written in Lua/IUP, that actually does something 'usefull' ;) Does someone have such an example? Could that maybe be made availeable to the community? Like on the WiKi or such? That would be really nice. I think many people looking at a 'new' toolkit first have a look at the applications written in it...

Thanks again,

If you download IUP executable files from Tecgraf's download center,
you should be able to execute all Lua examples found in the manual.

IUP Manual:

