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Is there some way fo know how much memory a table uses?
I'm using Lua to describe the data of my game, but I think that I'm using
too many table contructors.
Here's a sample:
  name = "object1",
  flags = F_MONSTER,
  itens = {
       skill_easy = { item1, item2 },
       skill_normal = { item3, item4 },
       skill_hard = { item4, item5 },
Object is a function.
I'll have dozens (almost hundreds) of objects like this.
Is there som better way of do this? O Lua manges efficiently the memory?
Thanks a lot.

Desafio AntiZona: participe do jogo de perguntas e respostas que vai dar
1 Renault Clio, computadores, câmeras digitais, videogames e muito mais!