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Sound familiar to a bug reported by me sometime ago. Lookup
and see if it is related. 

--Vijay Aswadhati

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Steve Elkins
> Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2003 8:49 AM
> To:
> Subject: udp socket server question
> I'm looking at the lua socket implementation (2.0 alpha) from 
> I realize the examples/ code is unsupported by Diego (so the README in
> examples/ says) so I wonder if anyone on the list has the echosrvr.lua
> example working.  It goes like this for me...
>   sge:72$ lua -lsocket echosrvr.lua 8933            
>   Binding to host '' and port 8933...
>   lua: echosrvr.lua:16: calling `setsockname' on bad self 
> (udp{master} expected)
>   stack traceback:
>           [C]: in function `setsockname'
>           echosrvr.lua:16: in main chunk
>           [C]: ?
>   sge:73$
> After argument processing the script gets into trouble executing the
> 3rd line of the 4 below...
>   udp, err = socket.udp()
>   if not udp then print(err) os.exit() end
>   err = udp:setsockname(host, port)
>   if err then print(err) os.exit() end
> If this isn't the right way to bind a udp socket to a host and port,
> would someone please tell me what is?
> Thanks,
> Steve