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I've worked up an almost complete LUA interface for FMOD. It is wrapped as a (win32 only for now) LuaEnhancedModule (LEM). The LEM is compatible with the LuaBinaryModule import routines, is statically linked to vanilla lua 5.0, and enhances the BinaryModule standard by:

Registering the module in a 'lem.' gobal table with the namespace of the module as a key. This key points to a table with the following required keys:

'Name' : Long Name of the module.
'Version' : Version Number of the module.
'Reload' : Pointer to a function which is called when a reload is needed*.

It may or may not contain:

'Author' : Authors name(s).
'Legal' : Legal Restrictions if needed.
'Web' : Website of the module.
'Source' : Place to download the module from, like ''

All my LUA projects are now at:

Jason Petrasko (

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