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>> However, I have not seen anything in the Lua reference manual as to 
>> check the current stack size. The closest email I've found in the 
>> archives is
>> 09/msg00163.html, but that doesn't really help me with stack overflow 
>> checks.
>it's instructive to read the entire thread starting at that message:
>it mentions lua_checkstack() and luaL_checkstack().  also see section
>3.2 (The Stack and Indices) in the reference manual.

If you're into alternative Lua distributions, LuaPlus's LuaObject
( almost completely eliminates Lua stack
management under C++.  In addition to that basic functionality, it
implements a solution similar to the one described in the above thread and
autoexpands the stack as needed.

If you're not into non-mainstream Lua distributions, you'll just have to
follow the lua_checkstack() approach above.
