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Roberto Ierusalimschy wrote:

Is it really difficult (or expensive) to order it from
It is neither one or the other. However, I find that each time I buy stuff from Amazon USA and get it shipped to france, I receive the package opened, with a small note inviting me to pay for additionnal import taxes and customs handling fees. FYI, the last book I bought international (Schneier's Applied Cryptography,excellent book) cost me about 40 euros plus shipping, and I had to pay another 20 euros of various import taxes and fees on reception.

That is why I now try to get stuff from within the EU, to avoid a repeat of the same scenario :)

I know it is not as easy as a local buy, but I thought that, putting
it at Amazon, it would be available to most people with an Internet
Indeed, that was a good choice. I was just sort of vaguely hoping that Amazon would make it available through its other distributors (like Applied Cryptography, which was made available from Amazon France about two weeks after I received mine... :/ ), so I can avoid the few weeks waiting time and the additionnal taxes.

I looked on amazon UK, and they have your book in the listings, marked "This product is unavailable at this time", so I was hoping that it would be because Amazon US didn't get round to sending them copies yet ;)

David Anderson

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