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Request for clarification about references to internal table elements and
garbage collection.

Consider the following:


Example #1:

 outer = { "outer table"; inner = { "inner table" } }
 outer = nil

Statement #1:

 Outer table and all it contains will eventually be GC'd.


Example #2:

 outer = { "outer table"; inner = { "inner table" } }
 inner = outer.inner
 outer = nil

Statement #2:

 Though there is no longer a direct reference to the outer table, neither it
 its' contents will be GC'd because there is still a reference to some part


Example #3:

 outer = { "outer table"; inner = { "inner table" } }
 outer.inner = nil

Statement #3:

 The inner table will eventually be GC'd but the outer table and all of its
 other contents will remain.


Taking the examples into account, are the above statements correct?

Thanks in advance,