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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next] [Date Index] [Thread Index] wrote:
> I had started down the road of creating temporary userdata(s?) as well.
> It occurred to me today that the "__index" and "__newindex" methods
> could probably be tricked into accepting "myarray[1][2]" without the
> temporaries being created by manipulating an extra field in the original
> userdata ("row" in the following example).

Very fragile!

I.e. add a line to your example and try it again:

> x =
> y =

  foo = x[1] -- this will confuse the __index method...

> for i=1,4 do
>    for j=1,4 do
>      print(string.format("%2.1f", x[i][j]))
>    end
> end

Or this:

  r1 = x[1]

Or this:

  x[1][2] = x[3][4]  -- I think, order is [1], [3], [4], [2]
                     -- which results in ... = x[1][3][4] ->error

> (Dumb C question: is there a shorter way to initialize matrix->xform?)


    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
            matrix->xform[i][j] = 1.1 + i + 0.1*j;

Ciao, ET.