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Hi (not sure if this should be posted here (since it might be more to do
with tolua rather than lua itself).

First off: thansk for the answers to my previous post (few days ago). I was
moving ahead like 'gangbusters' until this new problem presented itself :-(


I have a simple linked list class (in C++)...

class list

	append(void* item);


in a Lua script I do:


var = myOtherClass:new()  -- myOtherClass is a toLua'd class also

l = list:new() 		  -- make the list object

l:append( var )           -- append var


If I check the address of the class being created in myOtherClass:new() (on
the C++ side in the debugger) I get a valid address.

When I check the ToLua-generated code for list:append the item address (for
the myOtherClass object) is close, but NOT the same. When I get this value
out of the list (in LUA) I get an error (obviously since the ptr is

The generated code for the append method treats the second param (the item)
as *userdata* (which I suppose it will since its a void*) the append first
param is a usertype (the list - or self - ptr) this is fine and has the
correct address when viewed in the ToLua generated code within the

I have no idea why the append method is not passing the correct parameter
value - obviously its something to do with the  void* parameter? Eveything
else I have done through ToLua works great!! this is causing me a headache -
so any help is really appreciated.

Thanks in advance
