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Thatcher Ulrich wrote:

As far as namespaces go, we have been using a single-level namespace.
Modules are certainly not prohibited from defining their own
sub-namespaces, but cheia.load() and the like don't understand
hierarchies themselves.  E.g.:

cheia.load("std")	 -- OK
cheia.load("std.bit")	 -- not understood in a meaningful way


When loading lua files (e.g. with require) you could take the approach mentioned in Roberto's book: to have a specific file as the last entry in LUA_PATH, so all required modules not found will run this named file, which in turn could inspect the global _REQUIREDNAME to do the actual loading. I don't know about your previous headaches vs. gains, but this wouls work for dyn libs as well, taken that there is a table defined that maps the lib with a name and what else is needed to require it.

I'm not sure if what I just said is understandable, so I provide a small example: (note: I have no prior experience with loadlib, so I'm just tossing about to make my point somewhat clear, if possible)

LUA_PATH="?;?.lua;/usr/local/lua/cust_require.lua" -- example lua path

-- lib_defs.lua
libraries = {
 { "name" = "rex", "libname" = "/.../", "func" = "open_rex" },
{ "name" = "", "libname" = "/.../std/foo/", "func" = "open_bit" }
-- EOF lib_defs

-- cust_require.lua
-- check for library
for lib in ipairs( libraries ) do
	if == _REQUIREDNAME then
		-- load library with some func
		return loadlib( lib.libname, lib.func )

-- not a dyn lib, check for lua file
-- some searching in ordinary ways..

-- EOF cust_require

Only make sure that the libraries table is defined, and the cust_require is in LUA_PATH. Not sure what headaches comes with this, and might not be worth it, or even something you've already tried.. I've had fun writing it (not tested) any how ;)

