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The file is read in binary mode, even when reading text files, as the standard C library file IO isn't available on PS2. The NULL termination is definitely necessary for reading text files, as they don't have any implicit terminator, but you are absolutely right - I was using strlen(szBuffer). Doh! The PS2 reading code/lua_dobuffer call should use the exact size of the file on disk + 1 byte for the NULL terminator. My own fault for looking for a more complex problem than the one which actually existed.
Thanks for the help
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: 29 January 2004 14:55
To: Lua list
Subject: Re: Compiled chunk loading cross platform

> I'm having a strange problem with loading my compiled chunks on a
> different platform.


> What I'd like to know is whether there are any structure packing settings,
> alignment issues, or other general things to be aware of when loading
> compiled lua scripts.

The main thing to be aware of is line-end conversion on platforms which
distinguish between text and binary files. If you are using standard C
libraries to read a file of byte-code and your standard C library cares
about line-endings, you must open in mode "rb" to avoid data corruption.

> My PS2 loading code is as simple as loading the script
> into a buffer, concatenating a NULL character to the end of it (to make sure
> text buffers are NULL terminated), and passing that buffer off to
> lua_dobuffer.

The NUL termination is unnecessary, and the compiled script may have
internal NULs. What does your call to lua_dobuffer
look like? If it is lua_dobuffer(L, buff, strlen(buff), "name");
then buff's length will be computed incorrectly (since strlen
stops at the first NUL) and Lua will undoubtedly report a premature
end of file.

> Also, how is Lua detecting the end of file? I don't see any
> obvious record of the file size internal to the format, I don't pass the
> size to lua_dobuffer, and I don't see an obvious EOF character, so I assume
> some parse logic determines when there is no more data to read...?

It is very standard marshalling code. The demarshaller knows how long
scalar datatypes are (and this information is coded into the header to
ensure that the sizes are compatible); compound datatypes like strings
and tables are prefixed with their element counts. The marshalled script
contains a single root object which is a compound object; the demarshaller
recursively reads this object and all of its subobjects until it is done.
If it runs out of data before it finishes, it reports premature end of file.