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> Having created a thread using lua_newthread(), is there a way to
> determine the status of the thread from C? That is, whether it's
> waiting to be initialized (resumed for the first time), waiting
> to be resumed as a result of yielding, or dead (finished executing)?

I think you are confusing threads with coroutines. A thread is simply an
auxiliary Lua state with its own stack.

A thread is always ready to run. You can at any moment push a function
and arguments on a thread's stack, and call the function. It never dies,
in other words. (That was a bit of an overstatement; not doubt worthy
of a rejoinder from lhf -- there are some details I haven't gone into.
But it is fundamentally true, nonetheless.)

Coroutines are built on top of threads, using a special protocol
implemented with resume and yield. "yield" transfers control to
another thread, in the middle of the yield call, as it were.
"resume" causes the "yield" to return. Consequently, you can
only resume if there is a "yield" on the thread's call stack.
However, to make life a bit easier, you can call resume on
a thread whose call stack is empty and whose stack has a
function on the top (plus its arguments, if any).

When you lua_resume a coroutine and it returns (as opposed to yielding),
its stack is cleaned; only the return values remain. Once you have popped
(or more likely xmove'd) these return values, it is ready to start again;
you can push a new function and args, and lua_resume it.

You can tell roughly what state the thread is in. lua_getstack(L1, 0, &ar)
will return 0 if the thread's call stack is empty. lua_gettop(L1) will return
0 if the thread's current call frame has nothing in it. If both of those are
true, the thread is not yielded. (After I figured that out I checked the
code for coro.status, and that is the way it does it, so it must be official :)

Personally, however, I would recommend using your own protocol; for example,
always yield something and return nothing or vice versa.

> Also, when exactly is a thread garbage collected?

Like anything else, when there is no longer any reference to it. At that point,
its own stack has become unreachable, as well. Once there is no longer any
reference to a thread, it may or not be dead, depending on how you define
"dead" (as above, I would argue that it is not meaningful, really),
but it certainly can never come back to life.

Hope that helps -- it was an interesting question to answer.
