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On Feb 28, 2004, at 11:21 AM, Asko Kauppi wrote:

What's the current development background of IUP? Is it a 'community project' or (as i think) contribution of a selected group of Lua people.

I'd be willing to colaborate if there is strong consensus that IUP is _the_ Lua GUI for the future.

To answer this, I have to tell a little bit about the Iup history.
The development of Iup started in 1992 (before Lua),
when the Brazilian Oil Company (PETROBRAS) contracted us to develop a portable GUI Toolkit. Originally, Iup wasn't available to public use. Only in 2000, PETROBRAS allowed us to
distribute Iup as a free and open source software.

The Iup team is still heavily involved in supporting the development of applications based on Iup at Tecgraf (other PETROBRAS contracts). Our to-do list is driven by the demand
of those applications.

We would love to have more GUI controls and other bindings (Mac OSX, Qt and GTK),
but these things are not at the top of our priority list.
So, any help from the Lua community would be very welcome.
If there are people in the Lua community interested in helping us,
we can setup a discussion list specific for this.

This situation where there is no clear multi-platform winner is not a good one.

Different people have different requirements. I am not sure whether we will have
a winner here or not.
