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>  The problem is when to start running the GUI event loop, especially if 
>  you want to keep your original console interactive...
>  Quoting the Lua FLTK manual:

Hi, Jay,

do  you have  any plans  for FLTK  &  Lua 5  ?  We  made a  definitive
decision now  to use  FLTK for  GUI, regardless if  Lua5 FLTK  will be
available or  not.  I coded  FLTK stuff in  C++ (UI for  OpenGL viewer
widget), and  it is  _good_ .  Unfortunately,  I see no  resources for
hacking LuaFLTK5  by myself.  If our  project goes on we  might try to
hire someone,  but this is  only a vague  idea for the time  being.  

I  tried wxWindows,  I  find it  much to  huge,  and it  did not  work
properly on Tru64 alpha.  I tried  Java and died on finding out how to
tell it to use the right visual for doing OpenGL in a native canvas...
I had a coarse i look at IUP  as well, but it seemed to me less mature
than e.g. Lua itself or  FLTK.  Further, in IUP, OpenGL is "maintained
by third-party individuals",  and with FLTK, I like  very much that it
is in the core distro.
