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my  name is  Juergen  Fuhrmann, I  am  responsible for  the design  of
pdelib, a tool box for  the numerical solution of partial differential
equations. Some months  ago, we decided to adopt  FLTK as GUI toolkit,
and I still feel it was the right decision.

Another  basic  component of  our  package is  Lua,  so  there is  the
question if putting them together. So there is LuaFLTK of Jay Carlson,
but neither me or he seems to have the time to bring it up to date, as
it is quite complex.

Then, I discovered  the forms compatibility header.  This  was a quite
easy case for  tolua, a tool which  binds C/C++ code to Lua,  so now I
have several  of the  old 1992  Forms demos running  in Lua.   For our
purpose this is a great option.  Hopefully I will find time to make it
available as a separate package.

Now my question: what are  the plans for the forms compatibility layer
of FLTK.  Will it be maintained in 1.2.x/2.x ?


Juergen Fuhrmann

 __  __  __  __                  Numerical Mathematics & Scientific Computing
|W  |I  |A  |S     Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics
Mohrenstr. 39 10117 Berlin      fon:+49 30 20372560        fax:+49 30 2044975