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> > const Table* pTable = (Table*)lua_topointer(L, -1);
> > const TObject* pString1 = (TObject*)luaH_getnum((Table*)pTable, 1);
> Why use Lua internal functions and types? They are not part of
> the official API.
> Use lua_lua_gettable or lua_rawgeti instead.
> --lhf

Because I couldn't for the life of me find the official API -- which you've
now just pointed out.

Thanks. The code now looks like this:

           else if(lua_istable(L, -1))
               CLua* pLua = CLua::get_interface(L);
               SHU_ASSERT(pLua != NULL);

               CLpmClassTable* pClassContext =

               if(pClassContext != NULL && sClass != NULL)
                  int ii = 1;

                     lua_rawgeti(L, -1, ii);
                     const char* sValue = lua_tostring(L, 3);
                     lua_pop(L, 1);

                     if(sValue == NULL)

                     bSuccess = pClassContext->Add(sClass, sValue);

                  } while(bSuccess);

               lua_pushboolean(L, bSuccess ? 1 : 0);

This allows me to now do this:

	function reduction_event(P)
		if(P:MATCHED()) then
			P:ADDCLASSMEMBER("foobar", {"apple", "orange", "banana"});
			P:ADDCLASSMEMBER("foobar", "tangerine");

The idea is that ADDCLASSMEMBER either adds one element or many, depending
on whether or not a simple string or a table of strings is passed in.

I suspected there was an "official" way to access tables from C/C++
callbacks, but it had me stumped!! ;-)
