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Ben, that certainly reads nicely when used with "object factory" functions,
in that what is returned is essentially a factory/constructor function along
with a list of arguments to pass to it, but this is going to be supremely
ugly for tables with large array sections or lots of members for some other
reason.  Of course, this syntax does not preclude a complicated closure, it
merely extends it.

If the "extends it" statement doesn't make immediate sense, consider the

mt.__persist = function(tbl) do
 local x,y = tbl.x, tbl.y
 return function(z) do
    return {x=x, y=y, z=z}
 end, tbl.z



The solution for picking out table items that should not be persisted is
really quite simple, the mt.__persist function should just remove them from
the original table and return the cleaned up original table (or a closure
that returns it).  After all if the resulting table can function
appropriately after being unpersisted, then it can function just fine after
being persisted.  This is simple to implement and does not waste space by
duplicating the original table.

Argh, here comes the rebuttal, I can see it now.  "But it will take X amount
of time to reconstruct the 'transient'/'cached' values and I find that
acceptable after a 'file load', but not after a 'file save'."

Um, the only "complete" solution I can think of is a callback function that
the could be called for each key/value pair in the table to
approve/disapprove its storage, or a list of "fixup" functions to be called
after persisting is completed (so that 'transient'/'cached' values could be
moved out of the way and then returned after the persisting operation is


-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of benjamin
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 12:58 PM
To: Lua list
Subject: Re: Pluto: heavy-duty persistence for Lua

My current thought is to use the "third" option: Have __persist be a
function which returns a function and an arbitrary number of arguments.
Then, during unpersistence, those arguments are passed into those functions.
That makes the easy-to-hit closure bug less likely:

mt.__persist = function(tbl) do
 return function(x,y,z) do
    return {x=x, y=y, z=z}
 end, tbl.x,tbl.y,tbl.z



----- Original Message -----
From: Mark Hamburg <>
Date: Friday, June 4, 2004 11:53 am
Subject: Re: Pluto: heavy-duty persistence for Lua

> on 6/4/04 8:41 AM, Virgil Smith at wrote:
> > In fact the only real "complexity"/"gotcha" here is that the following
> > version of "Returning a closure" is VERY WRONG
> >
> > -- Returning a closure (INCORRECTLY)
> > -- This will force tbl itself to be persisted
> > -- in the stream
> > mt.__persist = function(tbl) do
> >  return function() do
> >     return {x=tbl.x, y=tbl.y, z=tbl.z}
> >  end
> > end
> That's also potentially an easy mistake to make. Also, relying on
> lots of closures or auxiliary tables creates just to strip stuff out
> a lot of extra memory allocation traffic which hurts efficiency. Now, if
> went with tables rather than closures or in addition to closures as the
> results of the __persist metamethod and passed the method an empty table
> that the persistence mechanism would clear and reuse later, you might be
> able to work around that memory overhead issue.
> Mark
> P.S. These sort of cases make a table.clear function that resets a table
> back to the empty state attractive.