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> This is for *very* large blocks of data, and not for receiving, just for
> sending. If you want to send 10MB of data, you have to chop it up and
> send part by part.
> > Is there are a way to configure select() turn return _instantly_ if there
> > is no data available?
> How about calling select with a timeout 0? You can also set the timeout
> to zero in the socket object can call receive.
> > Does this mean that settimeout() will accept fractional second values
> > such as settimeout(.10) as being valid for a 1/10th of a second timeout?
> You bet. It already did in LuaSocket 1.4 (for Lua 4.0).

Ok, I'm going to put on my dunce cap and go hide in the corner now.  I was
equating "nil" with "0" in my head.  Duh.   Thanks for the wake-up Diego.
