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Also, sometimes it might be nice to build both C and Lua side in the same dll. I've done this -just for fun- for the LuaX serial module. It sort of simplifies maintenance (one module = one file) but I'm not enforcing this by any means. Just trying out.

Once this discussion settles & reaches some common understanding, I'd be delighted to try out a 'standard' linkage method for LuaX. Until then, I'll stick with my own.


Also module placement (file system) issues will arise. I for one have found it hard to match LuaX into the standard Posix /usr tree. It really doesn't devide into include, lib etc. so easily.

26.7.2004 kello 05:08, Edgar Toernig kirjoitti:

 To have the possibility to wrap any library with a Lua script is IMHO
crucial.  But force it?  No!  Just think about statically linked