Without 'pairs' and 'ipairs' I'd agree with you.
Now the border is fuzzy, but perhaps it needs to be somewhere..
Other globals I'd like to have (and I do, but as standard for
function first(x) return x end
function second(_,x) return x end
function third(_,_,x) return x end
In fact, here's my whole libext.lua file, which is my "wish list" for
If Lua starts carrying those things, this file will naturally
28.7.2004 kello 03:15, Jamie Webb kirjoitti:
On Wed, Jul 28, 2004 at 02:32:58AM +0300, Asko Kauppi wrote:
It's not the question it couldn't be done (I already did, with a
for loop). It's a question on how cleanly it could be done. Sorry
say :) but your example looks like Perl.. (no offense)
True, but wouldn't it also be a Perlism to include such a redundant
function? Possibly string.lines has a place in stdlib, but enlarging
the built-in libraries to help a few people avoid typing a one-liner
doesn't seem right.
-- Jamie Webb