One thing to keep in mind is that the C standard differentiates
between a "hosted" and a "freestanding" implementation. You can stil
be compliant C and lack things like stdio, etc. It's effectively
just the language and some predefined symbols at that point. I'm not
sure if Lua would run in such an environment, but I don't see why it
I don't know if it's relevant, but the embedded system I'm using Lua
on has some interesting properties that are causing me problems: in
particular, no globals --- but the stdin, stdout and stderr symbols
are reserved and cannot be overridden.
This basically means that lbaselib.c and liolib.c don't compile. I've
had to patch the source code to remove the references to the above
symbols. This was annoying.
If you want a piece of C code to work *anywhere*, the list of
assumptions you can make is scarily small...
(Would the patch be of any use to anyone?)
[insert interesting .sig here]