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On Sun, Aug 08, 2004 at 05:16:38PM -0700, Ando Sonenblick wrote:
> Gang,
> I'm adding to my about box the necessary license info regarding lua.   
> My q is: specifically which of the above is what I need to display in 
> my about box?
> I presume I only need "Copyright @ ... substantial portions of the 
> Software."   Please correct me if I am wrong.

The usual interpretation of this license is that it is sufficient to
simply put it in a file in a reasonably logical place in your
distribution, or in the back of the documentation, but you must
include the whole thing, including the disclaimer, and you must not
remove it from any file in which it appears. You should then put this
in your about box:

Lua 5.0 Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Tecgraf, PUC-Rio.

A link to would probably be appreciated too.

-- Jamie Webb