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> On Behalf Of Steve Donovan
> Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2004 11:36 PM
> I've been having fun with Lua and GTK on Linux, and thought that
> you might find the Glui project of interest.
> Currently, due to a few technical problems, it's basically a full
> Lua 5.0.2 distribution plus the GTK bindings,
> but I'm sure I can repackage it as a shared library.
> Glui is an attempt to simplify GTK programming, and it's got
> an interesting way to specify dialogs using text pictures, apart
> from bindings to all the common widgets.
> E.g., here's a minimal example:
>     require 'glui'
>      fred = 'hello'
>      alice = 'dolly'
>      if glui.picture_dialog [[
>         Here_is_fred   {$fred    }
>         Here_is_alice  {$alice  }
>      ]] then
>         print (fred,alice)
>     end

To avoid confusion you might want to rename your GLUI library. There is
already a GUI project called GLUI:

I used it in my OpenGL viewer Doris:

You might want to compare notes on the binding mechanism and syntax.
