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Well, I didn't get a reply to my post (Tue, Aug 10) about the occasional lack of HOOKLINE calls when I would have expected them, but I wanted folks to know that I've worked around that by using HOOKCOUNT (count == 1), and looking at the currently executing activation record's current line number... When that changes, then I must have moved to a new line. Not elegant and certainly not speedy, but that is not so important when debugging.

I have a different question if someone knows where to point me...

I've seen various references to desires for a lua-lint like behavior, but the closest to an actual implementation I've found is Jay Carlson's post (March 15, 2004) which contains a URL to a lualint executable.

If I wanted to write my own (or adapt other's efforts), I'd clearly need an understanding of the lua byte code dumped format. I generally understand the big ideas (i.e. GETGLOBAL, SETGLOBAL opcodes, etc), but the integer parameters refer to a table of strings somewhere else in the blob, and I don't know where they might be.

1) Is there documentation on the lua 5 dump format? So far, the lua distribution source code itself (ldump.c, lundump.c, lopcodes.h, lvm.c) are all I've found. Has anyone written a paper (with diagrams?) explaining the binary format of dumped code? If I have to trace through ldump myself to get this understanding, would such a paper be useful to others?

2) Has anyone written lualint like functionality where source code is available?

Tim Gogolin